Laravel Installation

We have split this installation into 2 parts

  • Pre-requisites

  • Installation


Windows Users If you don't want to install all of them manually, please download laragon


you can check if you have git by running git --version in terminal, if you don't have can get it from

or on *nix system, you can install by running apt-get install git command


you can check if you have nodejs installed or not by running nodejs -v in terminal, if you don't have it... you can get it from

for *nix system, find instructions here


you can check for yarn existence by running yarn -v in terminal, if you don't have it, you can get from their their website and follow instructions mentioned there


you can check for composer existence by running composer -v in terminal and if you don't have it, get it from


The zip file contains all laravel files default files, however you need to perform following steps to get vendors etc.

.env file and setting your values

Since everyone can have their own database name, mail settings etc, laravel doesn't ship with .env. but .env.example which we copy as .env and modify with our own db details etc.

cp .env.example .env

now open .env and modify database etc. details with yours

you need to modify following values


you may need to change other fields aswell, if necessay

Get Composer packages

We don't add all vendors files into zip, hence you need to get them manually, running below command can get you all composer vendor packages

composer install


Laravel requires directories within the storage and the bootstrap/cache directories should be writable by your web server

You should use the minimum permissions available for writing, based on how you've got your web server configured.

chmod -R 775 storage

chmod 775 bootstrap/cache

I f you still run into a permissions error, you may need to increase the permissions to 777, or twiddle your user/group permissions on your server.

chmod -R 777 storage

chmod 777 bootstrap/cache

You'll also want to make sure that your laravel directory and all files within are owned by something other than root. It's very common to create a user on your server (like www-data), add that user to the apache group, and then chown your files to be owned by www-data, chgrp to the apache group.

This ensures your files can be executed correctly and cache files can be written to without having to give files owned by root the permissions to write or execute.


If you want to send emails from your website, you need to configure MAIL_DRIVER etc details in your .env file, if you don't want to send emails (ex: in dev environment), you can set MAIL_DRIVER to log and it will write all your emails to log files.

::: tip Global 'from' address You can specify from address from each email from mailables however if you wish to have a single global from address then please modify config/mail.php below section with your values

'from' => [
        'address' => env('MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS', ''),
        'name' => env('MAIL_FROM_NAME', 'Example'),


::: warning If you want to use other mail drivers like sparkpost, mailgun etc, then please refer to :::

Generate Key

To secure user sessions and other encrypted data, we need to set application key.

php artisan key:generate

Set JWT secret

we need to set JWT secret in-order to use it in pages like login etc

php artisan jwt:secret

add tables to databaes

Now that, we have setup database details in .env, its time to migrate tables into database.

To have default admin user, we need to seed data into data, to do that run below command,

php artisan db:seed

which insert following user into database.

User email



compiling assets

Now we need to get frontend assets and move them to proper place. yarn install

npm run dev

if everything compiles successfully, by now you should have a working website

virtual host

It is highly recommended to run vuejs projects under virtual hosts.

once you setup virtualhost, you can access project at http://URL (if using virtualhosts)

Last updated

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