You can find this page in the Left Menu. Before proceeding with other pages first you need to fill all the mandatory fields in this page.
Steps to be followed:
In the same page you can see EMAIL CONFIGURATIONS tab with input fields related to SMTP. Fill all the mandatory input fields with valid details then click on OK BUTTON.
In the same page you can see STRIPE SETTINGS tab with "Pushable key" and "secret key" fields. You can get your keys from the stripe Dashboard. Make sure that you enter the live keys instead of the test keys. If you enter test keys, then you won't be paid for the user subscriptions.
In the same page you can see PAYPAL SETTINGS tab with "Sandbox" and "live" credentials. For testing purpose choose SANDBOX option with valid sandbox credentials or if you want to use it as live, choose LIVE option, by using valid live credentials.
Enter valid details then click on OK BUTTON.
That's it now you can create Plans.
Last updated
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