1) Right Side Bar Activation?

A : The Menu icon with a badge in the navbar will activate the Right side bar.

2) Toggle Left Menu?

A: The Hamburger in the nav will collapse the left menu if required..

3) How does the preloader Work?

A: In Every page just below <body> you can find <div> withpreloaderclass .If you want to change it you can get the css code in custom.scss file ,there exists a code commented between "preloader".

4) How to get rid of Preloader?

A: well, you can remove the preloader div at the start of every page and the related css in custom.scss and there is an on load function in Rightsidebar.js at the end of the file.

5) Data of Dimple Charts?

A: you can get the dimple chart date in "chart-date" folder which exists in the root folder.

6) How to use Layouts?

A: The code for each layout page is in the respective pageload css and js files. you can use that particular code gloablly to change the layouts over all pages.

7) How does the preloader work?

A: In Every page just below <body> you can find <div> with preloader class .If you want to change it you can get the css code in custom.scss file ,there exists a code commented between "preloader".

Last updated

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