Laravel 5.6

Laravel 8.x Installation

The zip file contains all laravel files integrated with Admire, however you need to perform following steps to get vendors etc.

Minimum Requirements

For laravel 5.6 , the minimum version of php required is 7.1.3 and

the following php extensions are required

  • PHP >= 7.1.3

  • OpenSSL PHP Extension

  • PDO PHP Extension

  • Mbstring PHP Extension

  • Tokenizer PHP Extension

  • XML PHP Extension

  • Ctype PHP Extension

  • JSON PHP Extension

Get Composer packages

composer install


chmod -R 775 storage

chmod 775 bootstrap/cache

If you are on linux/ mac you can run below command to chown it.

chown -R www-data /var/www

compile assets

If you don't have good knowledge on nodejs and npm, you can skip this step however this step is recommonded if you want to modify the template as per your needs.

Make sure you have nodejs installed in your system with minimum version 6.10.0,

you can check installed version by running node -v command in terminal.

If you are having older version, please install latest version from

from 5.4 onwards, Laravel team decided to move to webpack from gulp, so assets compilation differs a bit.

They introduced a new npm package for webpack called mix

you can read more about it here

Install Required global packages

npm install -g npm bower yarn

Install local packages

yarn install

Get bower components

bower install

Note: If bower gives warning that you are running as administrator, please run the command bower install --allow-root

move assets to desired locations

npm run dev


open your website and it should be fully working now :)

Last updated

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